The website is operated by Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH; Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH is entitled to all rights to the website. Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH accepts no liability whatsoever for indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this website. All information published on the website is provided by Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH to the best of its knowledge. However, to the extent permitted by law, none of this information constitutes a guarantee, promise or liability on the part of Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH.
Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH may, at its own discretion and without assuming any liability, change this website in whole or in part and discontinue its operation at any time without prior notice. By setting a link to external websites ("hyperlinks"), Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH does not adopt this website or its content as its own. Furthermore, Mauderer Alutechnik GmbH is not responsible for the availability of these websites or their content.
Note: General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
For reasons of easier readability, no gender-specific differentiation is made. Corresponding terms apply to both genders in the sense of equal treatment.
This legal notice and the data protection declaration were created by
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